Making Progress
Red Barn, 2012-2014
The first couple of times I painted this scene, in 2012 and 2013, I used oils and a smaller format. In the latest rendition (on the right), I've switched to watercolors. A bit of a difference, yes? Even though I saw much better compositional opportunities, I had to go with the same view for comparison's sake; adding in the surrounding foliage to make it a little less static. So there's some improvement there. I like to think I paid more attention to my values and perspective. It's also interesting to note the 2014 version was done under trickier weather circumstances that the previous versions: partly cloudy, where the sun alternates from light to dim, bright to shade, over and over like someone's playing with a switch.
But no matter; it was a fun time. We even had several more friends show up. I think there were ten of us in all! Here's a little movie of us doing our thing on YouTube:
There's been some talk going around that the barn might be dismantled or removed, but I hope it's just a rumor. It'd be great fun to keep painting it, year after year, honing our skills until we get it just right.
The middle one is my least favorite.