
From a page in my largest A3 size sketchbook.  Yet another example of a simple daydream sketch that inexplicably turned into a full-fledged drawing...


Cindy D. said…
This is wonderful! The fur trim in particular is great. And I love those penguins! Very cool.
Paatddal said…
Это Россия?! :)))
Laura G. Young said…
Cindy D. -- Thank-you!

Paatddal -- возможно, Россия слишком теплая для пингвинов. ;)
Sarah Melling said…
Seriously...this is from a daydream? Amazing. I love the way all of the wavy vertical lines work together.
r garriott said…
Love this, very elegant and I'm imagining all 3 of them on the runway...(but please say first frost is more than a month away!)

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