
This week's theme was bottled; I did this still life scene in both watercolor and oils.  It's interesting to see how different the same subject can look in different mediums:




Side Note -- I'll be away from the computer for a few days, as my right eye needs to be rested.  I've been having trouble focusing, so I went to the opthomologist yesterday.  Turns out my right cornea is mysteriously swollen, so the focal length is distorted, causing everything to look like it's underwater.  As a precautionary measure, I'll be taking a few days off from reading/typing/painting to rest it. Hopefully this, along with some prescribed inflammatory steroid drops will bring things back to normal...


Tea Doodle said…
Both are lovely. I really like the softness of the watercolor.
Jules said…
Nice, like seeing the different versions. Hope your eye feels better.
MrBibleHead said…
Great work Laura!
Mindful Drawing said…
Computer-screens are horrible for the eyes; take care!
Your bottled-post is interesting and pretty and I wish you a happy Easter.
LuTi said…
Hopefully your eye is OK again. Such things are really very annoying and especially for an artists! Take care and I hope to see you soon back in Bloggers world!
Debu Barve said…
please take care, Wish to see you soon back here.
Laura G. Young said…
Thanks for your kind thoughts, everyone. ((hug))